
Numbers: An Introduction and Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

“Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah” is one of the best-known hymns in the world. Yet the book of Numbers, whose story that hymn summarizes, is seldom read. Why? “Its very title puts the modern reader off,” writes Gordon Wenham. “In ancient time numbers were seen as mysterious and symbolic, a key to reality and the mind of God himself. Today they are associated with computers and the...

Numbers is the English translation of the Greek title of the book Arithmoi, a title no doubt given to it because of the census returns found in chapters 1–4 and 26. The fifth word of the book, bĕmidbar ‘in the wilderness’, constitutes its Hebrew title. This more aptly describes its contents, for it is wholly concerned with the forty years the tribes of Israel spent wandering in the wilderness between Mount Sinai and the plains of Moab. Numbers begins with a series
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